

Hi! I'm Ry and I run this website! It's only just starting out so bare with me. I'm also not the best at coding, I have very minimal experience and I'm learning as I go. This is a personal website that's just gonna have a lot of stuff I like on it. The pictures above lead to other parts of the website - the ones that move when you hover over them already have a page attached, so you should totally click them! Thanks for visiting my website even if you are just one of my friends who I have forced to look at it.
PS! I run this site from a computer, viewing on a phone is possible (especially if you put your phone horizontally) but looking on a computer is recommended!! Although I have noticed if you view it on a computer with a different size screen to mine that messes it up too...might try and fix this one day but who knows.
I also run a music website (but it's kind of abandoned atm...I'll add a lot to it soon) called thisisemo
If you want to threaten (contact) me you can do it through my discord: lovebitesrazorlines

cool neocities sites I like!!

My button!!